
WHV tips 1

Things that you may consider to bring to New Zealand (NZ)

After some time I came to NZ, I realized there are several things, that you hardly find or expensive to buy it here. It won’t consume a lot of space. I highly recommend for NZ WHV new comers to bring it over.

1. 树胶圈-可以用来绑你吃不完的饼干、面包、米活之类的。
Rubber band-It is very useful to tie up unfinished biscuits, bread, noodles and so on.

2. 洗衣网- 在这里虽然有洗衣机可以用,但是对于女生来说,有些贴身衣物都必须放在洗衣网里 来洗。我在这里买了一个洗衣网,价格是NZD 3.99。我在马来西亚的100 yen或者夜市也不需要那么贵。
Washing net –There’s washing machine in every BBH/YHA or pack house accommodation. For girls, some intimate items need to be put into washing net to wash. I bought one washing net here which cost me NZD 3.99. It’s so expensive! I can easily get a washing net for RM 2 in 100 yen shop or night markets.

3. 肌肉酸痛药膏-无论是Counter Balm, salonpas等等。若你有比较信赖的舒缓肌肉酸痛的药膏,大家一定要带来。因为当你开始在工厂工作的前几天,你就会需要到它。我在这里买了Deep heat pad,价格是NZD 13.99,而且里面只有两片!我感觉超贵的。
Muscular pain medicine – Please bring all your muscular cream, heat patches to NZ. Whether it is Thailand’s counter balm, Japan’s salonpas or any other brands, you’ll need it when you start to work in seasonal jobs. For the first week I started my work in apple packing factory, my back was pain. They are my best companion. I bought a deep heat pad in NZ, it costs me NZD 13.99 just for 2 patches!

4. 牙膏-这里的牙膏价钱比较贵。买一支小支装 的,就像等于在马来西亚的大支装。
Toothpaste-The price of a toothpaste here is quite expensive. The price of a small 90g over here is equivalent to a price of 160g in Malaysia. The consumption of my toothpaste is 90g per month.

5. 沐浴露-如果你习惯某个牌子的沐浴露例如Shokubutsu,你必须要携带过来。我在超市看见的牌子有Palmolive和其他纽西兰的牌子。
Body foam – If you have brand loyalty in body foam, please bring it over to NZ. There are Palmolive, Dove, Lux, Johnson & Johnson and other NZ brand in the supermarket. There are no shokubutsu selling in the markets.

6. 女生的卫生棉-如果你也习惯某个牌子的卫生棉例如Whisper,那么你也携带过来。这里卖的是Carefree和纽西兰牌子。
Sanitary pads- If you have a preferable brand such as Whisper, please bring it over to NZ. From what I observe, there are carefree and other NZ brands here.

7. T-shirt-由于行李的重量限制,我觉得带七条就可以了。相信我,你会有很多东西要携带。我来的时候刚好是秋末,我把衣物优先权都给了冷衣、毛衣和羽绒服。我的分配是这样,上班衣服、厨房衣服、睡觉衣服、出街衣服。一条同样的上班衣服我都会穿足一个星期,因为都没什么流到汗。如果流汗,那么你就要天天替换了。厨房是个油烟很重的地方。在做饭时间,一旦你去了厨房一趟,你的衣服必定会沾上油烟和食物的味道。所以厨房衣服我也是一个星期穿同样的。睡觉衣服也是一件穿足一个星期。周末日,若出去玩,那么就穿多另外一件 新的。在纽西兰,我真的很少流汗!
T-shirts – Due to the limitation of your baggage weight, I don’t recommend to bring so much T-shirts over. 7 pieces is enough. Trust me, there are a lot of things that you need to bring over and please allocate spaces for that. The day I came to NZ was at the end of autumn. I gave priority of my clothes to jackets, sweater and winter clothes. My apparels are categorized as work, kitchen, sleep and leisure apparels. Everyday I will wear the same shirt to work together with a jacket. Due to I work indoor in autumn, there’s no sweat at all. If you work outdoor in summer, that’s another story. You need to bring more shirts. Kitchen is oily and full of smoke when it reaches meal time. Your shirt will contaminate with the kitchen’s smell even you just pass by. I will wear the same t-shirt whenever I go to kitchen to prepare my meal. I wear the same sleeping shirt to sleep everyday. During the weekends or off days, you may wear another shirt to go out shopping or an outing. I realized I don’t sweat at all in NZ. Maybe it is because autumn and winter.

8. 一双好的球鞋-在纽西兰当劳工,你必须长时间站立或走动。一双舒服的鞋子,真的可以减低你的脚板的疼痛。这是千真万确的。因为我有携带我最爱的asics跑步鞋,和一双rm 80的Pro Ace羽毛球鞋。我尝试过穿去上班,前者非常舒服,后者令我当天工作结束后,脚板觉得疼痛。Asics 跑步鞋,专为足部的贴心设计,异常舒适。
A comfortable shoe – Working seasonally in NZ, you need to get ready for long hours of standing or walking. A comfortable shoe is essential to reduce the pain of your foot. This is true. I have 2 pairs of shoe. One is my favourite Asics running shoe, and the other one is RM 80 Pro Ace badminton shoe. I tried wearing both of them to work. Asics gives me comfort and no pain. Pro Ace gives me a foot ache after work. Conclusion is Pro Ace is not made for long hours standing due to its shoe structure and sponge material.

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